
Expertly hand-crafted ashes into cremation Glass Pendants made from the Ashes of your loved ones. Our made to order Cremation Glass Memorial pendants are a lovely way of remembering and "keeping loved ones close" forever

Ashes in Glass Heart Pendant

ashes in glass heart pendant

Black Cremation Glass Pendant

Ashes into Jewellery

Aqua Cremation Glass Pendant

Jewellery for cremation ashes

Blue Cremation Glass Pendant

Ashes into a cremation glass Pendant

Green Cremation Glass Pendant

Ashes into Jewellery

Amber Cremation Glass Pendant

Ashes into Jewellery

Purple Cremation Glass Pendant

Ashes in Jewellery

Cranberry Cremation Glass Pendant

Ashes into Jewellery glass

Lilac cremation Glass Pendant

Ashes into Jewellery

Red Cremation Glass Pendant

Jewellery for cremation ashes

Silver Name Tag Charm

Hand stamped silver personalised name charm

Pink Cremation Glass Pendant

Glass Pendants

Cranberry Trio Necklace

Cremation Glass Necklace

Lilac Cranberry Trio Necklace

Cremation Glass Necklace

Violet Trio Necklace

Cremation Glass Necklace